Peppermint, lavender and cypress-infused bath powder.
Nothing is more refreshing than slipping into our unique bath powder infused with essential oils of peppermint, lavender and cypress. This aromatherapy blend helps to promote a reduced body temperature by stimulating the body’s natural cooling mechanisms. This oil is immersed in our curated effervescent powder blend, comprised of sodium bicarbonate and citric acid, two natural and gentle ingredients that help to reduce inflammation, gently exfoliate, and soften the skin.
Best use: As you begin to fill your bathtub, turn your tap on cool or cold first. Allow the tub to fill approximately 4 inches, and then adjust the tap to your normal temperature and continue to fill. After entering the bath, pour entire contents of packet on the top of the water. As the powder dissolves in the water, enjoy the cooling sensation as the freshening aromatherapy benefits fill the air and tub, and the cooler water decreases the temperature of your body’s core. Soak for 15-20 minutes to help cool your mind and body and rehydrate your skin.